1988 The Book Club


Front row, left to right: Natalie Robinson, Fay Gluck, Barbara Bernstein; back row: the late Marilyn Shorr, the late Millie Gelber, the late Fran Sturm, Judy Rattner, the late Zelda Siegel, the late Evelyn Nash

Natalie, Barbara, and Judy continue to live in Knoxville.  Fay lives in Nashville.  Other Knoxville relatives: Marilyn’s daughter Susan Shorr Brown, Fran’s husband Mel Sturm, Zelda’s children Mark Siegel, Peggy Siegel-Loflin, and Cindy Shepler.

Thanks to Mel Sturm for donating this photo to the Archives.

Send your photos (noting who, what, when, where) to archives@jewishknoxville.org or contact the archivist at (865) 690-6343.


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